Oof…It is coming up!

October 13, 2010

Hey.  Did you know that we went to Munich for Oktoberfest as a warm up for the main event, Socktoberfest III?

This is the Fun Haus I went to.

Here's me drinking beer made by monks!

Here's me climbing the Zugspitz.

Here's me drinking cappucino. We are capucin monkeys.

Oof...who is that guy?

If you like these photo’s and want to see more, there will be a visual Extravaganza at the Socktoberfest party.

OOF The invite!

October 12, 2010

OOF. It is 8 days away…

October 8, 2010

Did I tell you Socktoberfest is next Saturday? It wil be good. I know I have told you alot about the beer, but there is more to it than that…

There is Jager.

There is Wurst.

There is cheeze.

There is pickles.

Did I say there is Jager?  OOf.


October 1, 2010

OOf. Prepare yourself for this announcement, this is big, oof.
I told you about the custom brews, you are gonna love. Yum.
My most excellent, personal brewmeisters, “The Sieben Straße Schöpfers“ (S-cubed) have created this flavour-fest for my party. They made the Peanut Butter beer last year.  It was so good, they are making all the beer for 2010.   You will meet them, they will be there…

This one is tasty, made in the style of old Munich beer, but for Socktoberfest. OOf. The brewmeisters, have been making this since the springtime. It’s got hops, not socks.

This is the one that is gonna get you loaded, oof. I mean it; it’s smooth and refreshing. Light and delicious, yum. You will love it. I can drink it all day long.

This is my favorite, this is custom developed for me.  Liquid Cake with booze.  It is chocolate, cherry, and bourbon, with a creamy finish, oof. I love the creamy finish.

These are the Beers. There will also be Jager, oof. I can’t wait. Can you?